Scene taken from series, Vikings.

Sound design: Rachel Henry

Project shows skills with:

Period research, resourcing stock and library sound clips, mixing, effects.

Project completed in Adobe Audition.

Scene taken from World War Z, 2013
Sound design: Rachel Henry
Project shows skills with:
ADR recording, Foley creation and recording, editing sound clips, mixing full project, and resourcing stock and library sound clips.
Project completed in Adobe Audition. 

Scene taken from series, Stranger Things.

Sound design: Rachel Henry

Project shows skills with:

ADR recording, designing character sounds, resourcing stock and library sound clips, effects, mixing.

Project completed in Adobe Audition.

Scene taken from Shape of Water.

Sound design: Rachel Henry

Project shows skills with:

Recording and resourcing library sound clips, mixing, editing clips, character language creation, effects.

Project completed in Adobe Audition.


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