Cinema 4D Project shows skills with:

Redshift renderer, effectors, tags, object manipulation, color gradient manipulation.

Cinema 4D Project shows skills with:

Texture, mograph, animations, effectors, and cloning.

Cinema 4D project shows skills with:

Redshift renderer, pyro tag, spline and background creation, use of forces, use of gravity tag, animating color changes, and animating along a path.

Attribution for vector art goes to Юлия Гапеенко, footage snow scene from Aims Community College, and cup material from Cinema 4D assets. 
Music and sound from stock.
Project shows skills with:
3D modeling, 3D animation, wiggle expression, sound design, sound mixing.
Project completed in Adobe After Effects and Maxon's 3D modeling program, Cinema 4D.
Project shows skills with:
3D modeling and animation, adding texture and bitmaps to objects, extruding, adding materials to
polygons, and connecting pieces with protection tags.
Project shows skills with:
Adding images to polygon sides, 3D modeling and animation, camera movement.

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